Office closure: The Community Development will be closed for Presidents Day on Monday, February 17, 2025.
Hurricane fee waivers: Beginning February 1, 2025, permit fees for Hurricane related repairs will no longer be waived. Permits submitted after January 31, 2025 will be charged the full permit fee.
Permits required before rebuilding: If your home was damaged by Hurricanes Milton, Helene or Debby, contact your community’s local floodplain manager or building and permitting departments to determine what steps you’ll need to take before starting repairs. Click to see the permits required before building (English version and Spanish version).
City Beach and Dune Permit: A City Beach and Dune Permit is now required for any additions or changes to private property seaward of the 1978 Coastal Construction Control Line. This permit is required by the Land Development Code Chapter 7 Article II. Sea Turtles Section 7-52, which was approved by the City Council in Ordinance No. 23-08 on June 21, 2023.
The permit enhances existing regulatory requirements and protects sea turtle nesting habitat. There is no permit fee at this time. Please find the application link here.
A permit is required for additions and changes to the sandy beach area such as, but not limited to, landscaping, irrigation, dune restoration, decks, and other minor structures. All plans will be required to comply with all applicable Land Development Code, State, and Federal requirements.
Sea turtle lighting standards requirement effective immediately: Effective immediately, applications for any building permit on the barrier islands which includes Little Hickory Island, Big Hickory Island, and Black Island, which require a certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance, as applicable under the provisions of the building code involving outdoor lighting or glass that may produce or cause to produce artificial light directly, indirectly, or cumulatively visible from any portion of the beach, must fully complete the following document. Failure to do so will delay the permit issuance process.
For additional information, please review the Sea Turtle Lighting Verification form and Sea Turtle Ordinance.